Children Ages 0-6 Risk Permanent and Lifelong Damage
[Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia] The majority of household paints analyzed in seven Asian countries contain unsafe levels of lead; would not meet regulatory standards established in most highly industrialized countries; and, in a number of cases, have astonishingly high lead content, according to a new report. The Asia Regional Paint Report will be released on March 23, 2014 by IPEN and partner organizations in the seven countries at the 4th Asia-Pacific Regional meeting of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
[Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia] The majority of household paints analyzed in seven Asian countries contain unsafe levels of lead; would not meet regulatory standards established in most highly industrialized countries; and, in a number of cases, have astonishingly high lead content, according to a new report.
On the occasion of the celebration of World Consumer Day on 15 March 2014, the largest consumer association in Cameroon (Cameroon League of Consumers- LCC) held an event in Yaoundé on 14 March, 2014. The event brought together regulators, the private sector, government representatives and NGOs to interact and exchange views on consumers' rights in Cameroon.
On behalf of the Nigeria-Africa Stockpiles Programme Implementation Network (NASPIN), IPEN Participating Organization Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development (SRADev Nigeria) developed baseline data and a scenario through a literature review for the study of POPs in Lagos lagoon. At a one-day project dissemination workshop held by NASPIN, National Coordinator of the network and Executive Director of SRADev, Mr.
"Parents are more and more concerned: our offices are flooded with information requests from worried mothers and fathers who are outraged because they have no means of knowing which harmful substances are in toys, and that policy makers and industry are not doing enough to protect their children’s health. They demand full disclosure of ingredients (as with cosmetics) and stricter laws that apply the precautionary principle, with zero tolerance for harmful chemicals".
by Alexandra Caterbow, senior chemicals/health policy adviser, WECF