Adoption of a scientifically robust Low POPs content value for all POPs waste is urgently required

Lee Bell, Imogen Ingram and Jindrich Petrlik at the OEWG- 10
IPEN representatives are currently attending the 10th Basel Convention Open-Ended Working Group meeting (OEWG-10) in Nairobi, Kenya. A range of issues are being discussed, including Low POPs Content Values for POPs waste, which is a critical issue for preventing the spread of POPs into consumer products and the environment.
In an intervention given on 30 May, IPEN called for the lowest possible levels to be set for POPs such as HBCD, PCP, PCN and brominated flame retardants, among others.
The Arnika and IPEN booklet Toxic Toy or Toxic Waste: Recycling POPs into New Products (full report) (summary for decision-makers) provides more information about the issue.
Additional topics being discussed at the OEWG-10 include household waste and electronic-waste.
The meeting wraps up on 2 June. More information can be found on the Basel Convention website and daily summaries are available on the IISD website.