IPEN Links with Rotary International to Raise Awareness

IPEN worked with members of Rotary International to bring the story of lead paint to participants in Rotary’s South Asia Literacy Summit held in Pune, India in early February 2015. Dr. Deepak Purohit, Rotary Past District Governor, organized a booth on lead in paint. He also set up meetings with leading Rotarians and a delegation – Satish Sinha, Toxics Link; Leslie Onyon, World Health Organization; and Dr. Archana Patel, International Pediatric Association – who travelled to Pune for the event.
IPEN Participating Organization Toxics Link, with support from IPEN and the EU (who is funding IPEN's Asia Lead Paint Elimination Project), produced a document for the summit: Exposure to Lead from Paint Erodes Indian Children's Ability to Learn
Many cards from interested Rotarians were collected at the booth and Dr. Purohit hopes to integrate lead paint into Rotary’s Happy School and Child Development Programme. Follow-ups with key leaders are planned.