Eco-Accord report: New Persistent Supertoxicants and Their Impacts on Human Health

IPEN Participating Organization Eco-Accord has released a new publication entitled "New Persistent Supertoxicants and Their Impacts on Human Health." It was prepared and published as a collective monograph and a survey in the relevant and developing field of eco-toxicology and analytical chemistry of persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
The monograph provides an introduction into the problem of analysis, monitoring and human health impacts of persistent organic pollutants listed in the Stockholm Convention on POPs, since 2009.
Physical and chemical properties of these compounds are briefly reviewed, as well as analytical methods for their measurements, their toxicity, generation and spread in environmental media. Available monitoring data for these "new" POPs are provided, and newly identified factors of their impacts on wildlife and human health are discussed. Potential risks of impacts of the "new" POPs are analysed in different regions of the planet, where the relevant research studies were carried out, including some "blind spots" in Russia. The monograph analyses documents (reports and decisions) of the POPs Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention and scientific publications.
The publication provides results of research studies in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia seeking to assess linkages between POPs levels (including the "new POPs") in bodily fluids and human reproductive health parameters.
The publication is in Russian and available at: