Dr. Speranskaya interviewed about lead in paint on Moldovan "Publika"

During the course of the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Workshop on the Establishment of Legal Limits on Lead in Paint (co-hosted by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the United Nations Environment Programme), which took place 19-20 May, 2016 in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, IPEN Co-Chair Dr. Olga Speranskaya was interviewed for the Moldovan television program "Publika": http://ru.publika.md/emisiuni/den-za-dnyom_791.html?video_id=2885431
Dr. Elena Zubcova, from the IPEN Participating Organization Ecowaste Moldova, was also interviewed for the program.
Dr. Speranskaya explained the importance of setting a strict standard on the amount of lead permitted in paint in order to protect health and the environment, while Dr. Zubkova spoke about the negative health effects of lead in Moldova.
For more information about the meeting, please see: http://www.unep.org/chemicalsandwaste/LeadandCadmium/LeadPaintAlliance/M...