Non-Combustion Technology for POPs waste destruction

Replacing incineration with clean technology
From the Executive Summary:
Non-combustion technologies for the destruction of persistent organic pollutant (POP) waste have been developed and commercialised since the 1990’s. They provide a non-polluting and effective alternative to incineration of POPs waste, an old technology which continues to release and emit unintentional POPs (UPOPs). Incineration has become a trap with a never-ending cycle of attempted POPs waste destruction followed by more unintentional POPs creation in the form of dioxins and furans from the combustion process. Non-combustion processes can destroy the same waste and allow us to break free of the POPs cycle once and for all.
This report highlights those technologies that form the Non-combustion sector, their development, their ability to destroy POPs waste and their potential to be used in developing countries where small-scale, mobile and innovative solutions to POPs waste are needed.
Read the report below.