IPEN congratulates longtime colleague Vi Waghiyi, Environmental Health and Justice Director at IPEN Participating Organization Alaska Community Action on Toxics, for her inclusion in the United States' Council on Environmental Quality's Environmental Justice Advisory Council. Vi has vital perspectives and years of important experience to lend to the Advisory Council and IPEN looks forward to improved action related to current and historic environmental injustices in the US.
(Geneva, Switzerland): Industry fire-safety experts from the oil and gas and aviation sectors are joining with firefighter trade unions and representatives of Indigenous Peoples to urge governments to protect human health and the environment with a global ban on the toxic chemical, PFOA, and to reject loopholes for its use in firefighting foams. The use of PFOA and other fluorinated organic compounds (PFAS) is widespread across many industrial and domestic applications including textiles, food packaging, stain and oil resistant treatments, and industrial processes.