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A Toxics-Free Future


SAICM Global Outreach Objectives

The overall campaign objectives are:

  • Numerical and geographical expansion of the range and types of NGOs and CSOs that actively support chemical safety objectives, with special emphasis on health professionals, constituency organizations representing impacted groups, and nationally influential organizations;
  • Increased NGO and CSO support in all regions for effective action to reform how chemicals are produced, used and managed, including support for positive national legislative, regulatory and institutional reforms;
  • Increased NGO and CSO engagement in numerous countries in all regions in national and local programs, campaigns and projects that contribute to achieving chemical safety objectives consistent with SAICM and its 2020 goal; and
  • Creation of a Global database that:
    • Records 1,000 NGO/CSOs in 80 developing countries that have pledged to support effective SAICM implementation;
    • Is used to enhance global NGO information exchange; and
    • Serves as the basis of a report on civil society contributions at ICCM2 and future ICCM meetings. Learn more about the Campaign in Spanish.


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