GDA in Tanzania
Global day of action on POPs in Tanzania.
Countries with colors have projects associated with them. Click the country you are interested in, and then the “info” icon to see the projects for that country.
Global day of action on POPs in Tanzania.
The waste management issue in Senegal: outlining solutions to the waste incineration in Thies.
Country situation report on POPs in Turkey.
Global day of action on POPs in Uganda.
Preliminary study of the Vikuge DDT-contaminated site.
Water and sediments analysis in Vikuge POPs-contaminated site in Tanzania.
Spanish translation of Dirty Dozen magazine articles for the special issue on POPs.
Global day of action on POPs in Armenia: Yerevan State University.
Lindane in Bulgaria.
Guidelines for Stockholm Convention implementation in Belarus.
Global day of action: youth and POPs.
Inventories of unintentional POPs (U-POPs) in Latin America: a comparative study.
Global day of action on POPs in Moldova.
Global day of action on POPs in Nepal.
Community health assessment in a POPs-contaminated community (Target Village, Sapang Bato, Angeles City).
Contamination of chicken eggs near the Vikuge obsolete pesticides stockpile in Tanzania by dioxins, PCBs and hexachlorobenzene.
Environmentally sound waste management.
Global week of action on POPs in Mexico.
National level training and awareness workshop in Nepal.
Participatory action research on POPs pesticides in a Philippine rural community.