Water and sediments analysis in Vikuge POPs-contaminated site in Tanzania.
The activity tested for levels of POPs near the Vikuge DDT-contaminated site. Water and sediment samples were collected from three different ponds, namely Namtipwa, Kwa Ndende and Vikuge, which are located 1200m north, 2800m north-east and 1000m south-west respectively from the Vikuge contaminated site. Several ponds and local wells have been constructed within the seasonal streams, wetlands and on the banks of ponds and have been the only reliable source of water for the Vikuge Village. Water from those wells is used for domestic, livestock and irrigation purposes. The study found that water and sediment samples from different sampling points contained Lindane (HCHs) and DDT compounds. The level of contamination of water and sediments by pesticides and metabolites appears to be related to point source contamination by pesticide residues from the heavily contaminated site, a potentially high risk and concern to public health. There is an urgent need for health monitoring and safeguarding to avoid further damage and adverse health effects.