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A Toxics-Free Future


Highlights Front Roll

Plastics, Plastic Waste, and Chemicals in Africa
New Video: Plastics Poisoning Our Health
Promoting Stronger Protections on Chemicals at BRS COP
How the UNEA Plastics Resolutions Relates to Chemicals and Health
Plastic Poisons the Circular Economy
Plastic Waste Fuels: policy spreads toxic trade across Asia

Jamidu Katima, SAICM Regional Focal Point for Africa, giving the intervention about a Global Alliance to Phase-Out Highly Hazardous Pesticides during plenary.  

Governments from all Regions of the World Urge Progressive Phase-Out

(communiqué de presse en français)

(Geneva) International delegates at a global forum set up to achieve sound management of chemicals worldwide, have agreed to address the problem of highly hazardous chemicals (HHPs). This action comes nearly thirty years after the role of pesticides in widespread sickness and death throughout the developing world was first revealed.

“These pesticides have caused millions of deaths worldwide and cause serious harm to farm animals, wildlife and the environment. Decades of experience has shown that, despite numerous ‘safe use’ programs, the ‘safe use’ of HHPs is not possible. We are extremely pleased to see the world community finally taking control of these substances seriously,” said Meriel Watts, Pesticide Action Network (PAN).

IPEN, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, U.S. Environment Protection Agency and United Nations Environment Programme, held a successful side event at the 2nd Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG2) meeting for the Strategic Approach to Chemicals Management (SAICM) titled: "Global Lead Paint Elimination by 2020: Where Are We At and What Will it Take to Succeed?." The event included presentations that informed attendees about the organization, mandate and work of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint; the serious health consequences of ingesting or inhaling lead, which can be lifelong; and the work that IPEN has done to promote the elimination of lead paint worldwide, in particular IPEN's Asia and Africa projects.

IPEN Y PAN proponen la formación de una Alianza Global para la eliminación de los plaguicidas altamente peligrosos,  en el inicio de una  reunión internacional de discusión sobre temas de seguridad química del convenio del SAICM en Ginebra, Suiza.

Ginebra Suiza, 15 dic.  Los países de América Latina hicieron un llamado para  realizar esfuerzos  de coordinación global que permita la sustitución gradual mundial de los plaguicidas altamente peligrosos en las declaraciones iniciales del primero de tres días de la reunión internacional para discutir los avances del convenio voluntario  sobre sustancias químicas, conocido por sus siglas en inglés como SAICM *

The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management's (SAICM's) 2nd Open Ended Working Group (OEWG2) meeting is currently underway in Geneva, Switzerland and numerous representatives from IPEN Participating Organizations are in attendance. In the run-up to the meeting, IPEN prepared a "Quick Views" document (English / русский / Español / français / العربية), a summary statement of IPEN views on issues that are being discussed at the OEWG2. These include, but are not limited to, chemicals in products, lead in paint, electronic and electrical products, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and nanotechnology. 

As governments, industry and public interest groups from across the globe prepare to meet next week to discuss endocrine disrupting chemicals and other international chemical safety issues, the Endocrine Society and IPEN released a new guide documenting the threat endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) pose to human health.

Press Release: New Resource on Health Threats Posed by Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals Released on Eve of International Chemical Safety Meeting (English / Español

As we approach the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management's (SAICM's) 2nd Open Ended Working Group (OEWG2) meeting, IPEN has updated its 2008 "NGO Guide to SAICM" booklet with a new preface. The new text addresses SAICM developments since the Guide was first released, touches on the wide scope of SAICM, and includes information about lead and pesticide poisoning and emerging toxics issues.

IPEN launched its African Lead Paint Elimination Campaign with an Inception Meeting held in Dar es Salam, Tanzania in late November. The project involves four African countries – Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast and Tanzania – and is being implemented in partnership with the Global Environment Facility and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which provided $1 million in funding.


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