More than 20 NGOs demand that the government of Mexico incorporate Basel Convention plastics amendments into the OECD Decision

NGOs want Mexico, a member of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), to lobby for the OECD to incorporate Basel Convention plastics amendments into the OECD Decision. By doing so, OECD countries will be required to use the prior informed consent procedure for hazardous and mixed/contaminated plastics wastes with each other. This is particularly important for Mexico, because it borders the United States, the main generator of plastics in the world. Due to recent Chinese regulations, the U.S. can no longer export hazardous plastic waste to China, therefore Mexico is at risk of receiving a huge amount of contaminated plastics destined for recycling, without a procedure of prior informed consent.
The European Waste industry has actively lobbied the European Union NOT to incorporate the plastics amendments. They want to be able to send hazardous and mixed/contaminated plastics and even PVC to any OECD country without prior informed consent. Over 20 Mexican NGOs therefore sent a letter to the government of Mexico encouraging the country to work towards having OECD accept the Basel plastics amendments and asking them to resist any effort to create a global double standard, amongst other points. Read the letter here.