New Guide to Mercury Pollution and the Minamata Convention on Mercury

IPEN is pleased to announce a new guide to mercury pollution and the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Download the booklet here.
This booklet provides information about the toxic environmental pollutant mercury and its harm to human health and the environment, as well as the recently adopted Minamata Convention on Mercury.
It encourages and enables global civil society organizations (CSOs) to engage in local, national and international activities aimed at controlling mercury pollution.
Information is included that CSOs can use in programs and campaigns aimed at raising mercury awareness among their constituents and among the public at large. The booklet identifies sources of mercury pollution and the
articles of the mercury treaty that relate to those mercury sources, and also suggests what can be done to control those sources. The booklet also summarizes the most important aspects of the Minamata Convention and it
encourages CSOs in all countries to engage in advocacy efforts aimed at ensuring that governments adopt, ratify and fully implement the mercury treaty. Additionally, suggestions are included on how different aspects of the
mercury treaty may be used in campaigns by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and CSOs to encourage government action to minimise mercury pollution.
Additional language versions of the booklet will be available as soon as possible.