Documents for COP4
- IPEN and PAN COP4 Statement that was produced via an African Civil Society Organization and Experts Meeting on DDT: Towards malaria reduction without DDT
- DDT in Eggs: A Global Review (русский and English)
POPs Waste:
- Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from wastes: The “Low POPs Content” - An IPEN Perspective
- Selected POPs Waste "Hot Spots" around the World (map)
Global Monitoring:
- IPEN Guide to New POPs (中文 and English)
- IPEN Guide to Listing PFOS in Annex A or Annex B
- The Next Generation of POPS: PBDEs and Lindane
- PCB Elimination Club- An IPEN Perspective
- Open System Uses of PCBs “Blowing in the Wind”
- Guidelines on Best Available Techniques and provisional guidance on Best Environmental Practices (BAT/BEP) - An IPEN Perspective
- Endosulfan in West Africa: Adverse Effects, its Banning, and Alternatives
- Alternatives to endosulfan in Latin America (español and English)
- Does Endosulfan have an alternative? Non Pesticidal Management - A large-scale success story from Andhra Pradesh, India
- Lindane: Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Alternatives
- IPEN and PAN handout on why lindane should be included in Annex A
Conference variant