Obsolete Pesticide Stockpiles: How to Report on Pollution

Eco-Accord, IPEN Regional Hub for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA), prepared an overview of information from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and EECCA countries about the need to report emissions and releases from obsolete pesticide stockpiles through pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) systems in EECCA countries. The overview was prepared for the European EcoForum as they participated in a global round table on PRTRs and the fourth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs held in November in Spain.
Using PRTR has been identified as one of the priorities to achieve sound chemicals and waste management around the world. Currently Moldova is the only country of the EECCA region that has ratified the PRTR Protocol to the Aarhus Convention. Nevertheless, projects on PRTR are underway in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Kazakhstan. The overview provides information about what type of reporting scheme PRTR reporting should be based on, common types of obsolete pesticides, hazards connected to obsolete pesticides, and obsolete stockpiles in EECCA.
Read the overview- Obsolete Pesticide Stockpiles: How to Report on Pollution
Get more information about the round table and Working Group meeting in Spain
Get more information about the Aarhus Convention Protocol on PRTRs