IPEN at the Mercury Treaty COP1

The 1st Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury will take place from 24 - 29 September in Geneva, Switzerland and many IPENers will be participating.
Amongst other activities, IPEN will conduct hair testing for mercury content at the COP1. All delegates are invited to come by the IPEN booth in Geneva to get their hair tested for mercury. Hair samples will be sent to Biodiversity Research Institute's laboratories for mercury analysis. Results will be complied and reported on at UNEA3.
This follows testing that IPEN previously carried out at the Mercury Treaty INC1 and, more recently, as research for IPEN's Mercury in Women of Childbearing Age in 25 Countries study.
For more information about IPEN activities at the COP1 as well as related IPEN and Partner documents, see this page.