IPEN Asian NGO Gathering Underway
Surya Anaya (BaliFokus, Indonesia) and Manny Calonzo (IPEN Co-Chair, Philippines)
Some IPEN Participating Organizations from the south, southeast and east Asia regions are currently participating in an IPEN gathering in Jakarta, Indonesia. The gathering provides an opportunity for IPEN Participating Organizations and other local non-governmental, civil society groups with a shared mission of a toxics-free future to build relationships and share skills and experiences.
In addition to group discussions, the gathering will also provide presentations about topics such as:pesticides, dioxin and waste, National Implementation Plans in the Stockholm Convention, lead in paint and other toxic metals and hazardous chemicals in products, mercury use in artisanal and small scale gold mining, electronic waste, endocrine disrupting chemicals, contaminated sites, and more. Participants of the 2 1/2 day gathering hail from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Following the gathering will be a project workshop for IPEN's EU-funded Asia Lead Paint Elimination Project.