Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment Turns 20!

In September, IPEN Participating Organization Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) celebrated the 20th anniversary of its foundation. Representatives of the Ministries of the Republic of Armenia, international organizations in Armenia, NGOs and foreign guests attended the event, which was held at the Aram Khachaturian House-Museum.
At the SAICM 3rd Intersessional Meeting in Bangkok, Gohar Khojayan, AWHHE Communications Specialist, presented IPEN with a Certificate of Acknowledgement in appreciation for the effective, long-term cooperation and valuable assistance. IPEN Co-Chair Dr. Tadesse Amera thankfully accepted the certificate.
AWHHE's mission is to explore the issues of environmental pollution in Armenia, advocate the human right to live in a healthy environment, promote the reduction of health risks from environmental pollution and hazards, including climate change, and promote healthy lifestyles, focusing especially on children and women. Particularly, the concern for health and safety of children and future generations is an important motivation for women to become catalysts for bringing about positive change.
Learn more about AWHHE's important work here.