In 2018, Center for Environmental Solutions studied labels and content of 29 plastic toys and children-related products from 12 sales points in Minsk, Belarus. All these products can be easily purchased by consumers in supermarkets, stores, and open markets.
Out of 29 purchased items, 27 toys were tested for concentration of toxic metals and bromine, using XRF-method at Arnika Association in the Czech Republic.
IPEN has joined 15 public interest NGOs and networks in providing critical comments on the draft European Union (EU) law on PFOA and PFOA-related compounds. In a letter dated 4 December 2019, NGOs noted that the proposed limit for PFOA in consumer products is not protective and not consistent with updated scientific information on the extreme toxicity of PFOA.
Brussels Representatives from the European Member States in the EU Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCOPAFF) today voted to ban the neurotoxic pesticides chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl from the EU market, a historic move that has been applauded by health and environment groups [1].
Desde RAP-AL abogamos por un mundo libre de plaguicidas y la consecución de la soberanía alimentaria desde la producción agroecológica
Desde la Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas de América Latina, una vez más, advertimos sobre la creciente utilización de plaguicidas en todo nuestro continente derivado tanto de la expansión de monocultivos insustentables cuanto de la permisividad de nuestros gobiernos que posibilitan el registro y comercialización de plaguicidas prohibidos en otros continentes, además de no realizar un control efectivo de su utilización.
Geneva, Switzerland In a world first, the environmental treaty named after the devastating mercury pollution tragedy in Minamata, Japan, has just announced its decision to release global guidance on the clean up of mercury polluted sites.
After 4 years of hard negotiations and campaigning by IPEN, overcoming resistance from global powers such as the EU and the US, and with the steadfast support of the African region and many other countries, the Minamata Convention on Mercury has finally adopted official Contaminated Sites Guidance.
Este 27 de noviembre de 2019, se cumplen 10 años del asesinato de Mariano Abarca Roblero, ambientalista que defendió los Derechos Humanos y los Derechos de la Naturaleza en su municipio natal de Chicomuselo, Chiapas, México, al denunciar los efectos socio ambientales causados por la empresa minera canadiense Blackfire Exploration, minera involucrada en su asesinato.