SCS Global Services Issues Certificates Under New Standard
Quezon City, Philippines– Two companies, Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines, Inc. and Davies Paints Philippines, Inc., are the first in the world to earn the Lead Safe Paint® mark under a newly-established certification program.
IPEN joined over 65 organizations signing-on to a letter to the President of the European Parliament expressing concerns that the European Commission (EC) is failing to respect the European Parliament's 2015 resolution on the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) office in Yerevan, Armenia presented a "Best Women Entrepreneur for 2016" prize to IPEN Participating Orgnization Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) for their project to improve entrepreneurial skills and income generating capacities of female farmers through the use of solar fruit- and herb-drying equipment and technologies. The awards were presented to local partners that have promoted good and innovative practices through project activities.
IPEN has released its second Global Lead Paint Elimination Campaign newletter, and it features information about the cost of lead exposure each year (according to a new map released by New York University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics), as well as new lead paint regulations in India and Thailand, and reports analyzing the content of lead in paint. The newsletter also provides an update about progress to eliminate lead paint in four African countries (Cameroon, Côtre d'Ivoire, Ethiopia and Tanzania).
The European Commission has issued a draft decision to the REACH Committee that would authorize use of two toxic lead pigments in the EU for non-consumer use, despite the availability of well-known alternatives. The decision was made over strong objections from EU governments, industry and NGOs.
The European Environmental Bureau (EEB), The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), ChemSec and IPEN sent two letters to the REACH Committee calling on the members to reject authorization when it is put to a final vote on July 6th-7th. In addition, NGOs around the world have signed a letter to the Committee highlighting the potential harmful consequences from such an authorization in non-EU countries, as lead-containing products may be exported to markets where there aren't any safeguards to prevent these hazardous products from being sold to consumers.