Isatou Ndow, chairperson the Young Volunteers for Environment (YVE) The Gambia has called for the banning of lead environmental hazards of lead poisoning.
According to her, environmental hazards of lead poisoning have claimed the lives of over 1.6 million individuals in 2017 alone.
A pilot program to introduce safer mining practices in Nigerian gold mining communities has reduced blood lead levels by 32 per cent according to a new study published today.
CGFED surveyed lead contamination in toy paint and blood lead concentrations of children of Hai Phu preschool, Hai Hau district, Nam Dinh province. Lead content in 15 paint samples collected at schools and households were determined by EPA 3052 SMEWW 3125 B:2012 ICP-MS method; 16 samples of preschool toys were measured by X-MET 8.000A – Oxford portable fluorescent device; blood lead concentration of 30 childrens were determined by the ICP-MS method.
Rajshahi Discussants at a meeting here today unanimously viewed that concerted effort of all the government and non-government entities concerned has become an urgent need to prevent lead poisoning as it’s a serious threat to the public health.
Study Highlights Need for Comprehensive Lead Paint Regulations to Protect Children’s Health
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action Observed in 40 Countries
Gothenburg, Sweden Children’s playgrounds in Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, and Thailand have been revealed to contain painted equipment with lead levels above 90 ppm, the recommended limit by UN Environment Program. Playgrounds containing dangerously high levels of lead exceeding 10,000 ppm were discovered in four of the countries studied. The concerning data was released during the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (October 20-26, 2019) spearheaded by the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint that is observing its 10th anniversary this year. Environmental health experts say the data underscores the ongoing need for strong lead paint bans that is inclusive not just of decorative paints, but all types of paint irrespective of use.
IPEN Participating Organizations (POs) in Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines and Thailand visited children’s playgrounds and measured lead content of the paint used on a total of 166 pieces of equipment using a portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometer. This screening was conducted to investigate if lead paint was used at these playgrounds and to raise awareness around the prevalence of playgrounds with dangerously high levels of lead.
Quezon City, Philippines (October 24, 2019) – IPEN, an international non-profit leader on environmental health and chemical safety, announced today that paint products manufactured by Sycwin Coating & Wires, Inc. (Sycwin), a leading paint manufacturer from the Philippines, have been certified under the Lead Safe Paint® standard. Sycwin is the world’s first company to have its industrial paint brands certified lead-safe in conformity with the approaching phase-out period for industrial paints in the Philippines at the end of the year. The certification encompasses its entire portfolio of architectural paints, including PureCoat Premium, WeatherGard, Sycwin, PureCoat Advance, Minnesota, Delaware, Alabama, and Kansas, as well as industrial paint brands Guilder and Illinois – 10 brands and 590 products in all.