17 December
Press Release: Consideration of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Advances at World Chemical Safety Meeting: English / français
IPEN Closing Statement - given by Olga Speranskaya, IPEN Co-Chair / Eco-Accord, Russia
One minute of silence for Matthew Gubb (SAICM Coordinator) and Theo Colburn (Founder and President Emeritus of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX) and author of Our Stolen Future), who died on 14 December.
During the “Other Matters” part of the agenda, IPEN took the floor to offer a simple remembrance and honor of Theo Colborn and expressed the hope that work on EDCs under the agreement would honor her legacy. Riana Bornman of the University of Pretoria / Endocrine Society followed with a moving tribute about Colborn’s importance to woman and her bravery in the face of adversity.
The SAICM President then recognized and appreciated Colborn as a “great hero for her contributions.” The President also mentioned the passing of Matthew Gubb – the former SAICM coordinator who tragically died this year. The President asked the entire meeting to stand and observe one minute of silence in their honor.

A shot of the plenary floor during the one minute of silence.
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) held a side event on Women and Chemicals.
IPEN Intervention on 2016-2020 Planned Activities & Secretariat Budget - given by Björn Beeler, IPEN
IPEN Intervention on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) - given by Joe DiGangi, IPEN
Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) Intervention on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) - given by Genon Jensen
IPEN Intervention on Risk Reduction Activities - given by Olga Speranskaya, IPEN Co-Chair / Eco-Accord, Russia
16 December
For plenary interventions given by IPEN and colleagues on the 16th, please go to the interventions page.
Successful Lead Paint Elimination Side Event Held in Geneva
15 December
For plenary interventions given by IPEN and colleagues on the 15th, please go to the interventions page.
RAPAL / IPEN Press Release: Los países de América Latina, ONGS y sindicatos llaman a que se realicen un esfuerzo mayor de cooperación global para la prohibición mundial gradual de los plaguicidas altamente peligrosos
14 December
IPEN Pesticides Working Group Chair Meriel Watts (Pesticide Action Network, Aotearoa New Zealand) spoke at the technical briefing on the case for dealing with highly hazardous pesticides. Amongst other themes, Dr. Watts highlighted the cost of inaction in dealing with hazardous pesticides. Other speakers in this section of the briefing included Ms. Trecia David, delegate from Guyana, Ms. Andrea Rother from the University of Cape Town, and Mr. Mark Davis from the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Dr. Meriel Watts speaking at the technical briefing
13 December, 2014:
IPENers and other colleagues are now in Geneva to participate in the 2nd meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG2) for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). Technical briefings covering the overall orientation and guidance for achieving the 2020 goal of sound management of chemicals, highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), and a proposed new emerging policy issue (environmentally persistent pharmaceutical pollutants) will take place on Sunday the 14th, and the OEWG2 will officially open on the 15th.
10 December, 2014:
IPEN releases its Quick Views on OEWG2. (English / русский / Español / français / العربية)
The 2nd meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG2) for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) will be held in Geneva from 15 to 17 December 2014 and numerous IPEN Participating Organization representatives will be attending. For more information (including an agenda, other meeting documents and the OEWG mandate), see the SAICM website.