Dans une lettre ouverte au gouvernement,la société civile presse les pouvoirs publics de mieux informer et agir sur les risques sanitaires et environnementaux entraînés par la présence de nanomatériaux dans de nombreux produits de consommation courante.
Alors qu’Emmanuel Macron a annoncé le 13 juillet le renforcement des efforts français dans le domaine des nanotechnologies [1] conformément aux demandes des industriels [2], les ONG impliquées dans le groupe de
The European Commission is facing a second court challenge for allowing a Canadian company to sell two dangerous chemicals used for road markings and painting industrial machines in the EU. Environmental lawyers ClientEarth, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), the International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) and IPEN are taking the European Commission to court after it refused to withdraw an EU-wide permit allowing the use of lead chromate pigments.
To date, the European Chemical Agency has received 380 notifications of companies declaring the use of lead chromate pigments in the EU since this authorisation. This is hindering the use of safer alternatives EU companies have invested in. Many companies have also already declared their intention to export these hazardous products to poorly regulated markets outside the EU.