5 October, 2015
5 October, 2015
The true costs of the chemical industry's products include more than just the costs to produce them. The costs of illness and environmental devastation amount to over $1 trillion (USD) per year, paid for by the public rather than the chemical industry. Watch IPEN's new 5-minute video to see some of the people and places affected by the chemical industry's products and their externalized costs.
Press Release, 17 December: Consideration of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Advances at World Chemical Safety Meeting: English / français
Chemical Watch article, 17 December: ICCM4 to tackle problem pharmaceuticals and pesticides
IPEN Closing Statement - given by Olga Speranskaya, IPEN Co-Chair / Eco-Accord, Russia
IPEN Intervention on 2016-2020 Planned Activities & Secretariat Budget - given by Björn Beeler, IPEN
IPEN, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO), held a side event on Global Lead Paint Elimination on Tuesday, 16 December at 13:15 in Room 18 of the CICG in Geneva, where the SAICM OEWG2 took place. Go here for more information.