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Video and Postcard: The True Costs of the Chemical Industry's Products

The true costs of the chemical industry's products include more than just the costs to produce them. The costs of illness and environmental devastation amount to over $1 trillion (USD) per year, paid for by the public rather than the chemical industry. Watch IPEN's new 5-minute video to see some of the people and places affected by the chemical industry's products and their externalized costs.

True Costs of the Chemical Industry's Products

Citizens' Report on SAICM Implmentation 2012 - 2015

IPEN’s Citizens’ Report details the implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) by IPEN Participating Organizations between 2012 and 2015. More than 120 IPEN Participating Organizations actively executed more than 500 activities in 65 countries in all UN regions to work towards implementing all five objectives of the SAICM Overarching Policy Strategy and 228 of the 299 items in the Global Plan of Action. Read the report here. 

Citizens' Report 2012 - 2015 cover

IPEN Quick Views of ICCM4

This document is a summary statement of some IPEN views about issues that will be taken up at the ICCM4, including, among others, chemicals in products, lead in paint, electronics, the overall orientation and guidance (OOG) document, endocrine disruptors, nanotechnology and finances. English / español / français / Русский / العربية

Thought starter: International cooperation on chemical safety beyond 2020

The 2006 decision that established the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) expires in 2020. In this thought starter, IPEN highlights some ways that SAICM has proven to be an extremely important international framework for promoting and advancing chemical safety objectives, and offers some suggestions to address the urgent question: what comes next? English / español / français / Русский / العربية

Letter to ICCM4 Delegates to Establish a Global Alliance to Phase-out HHPs

This letter from IPEN and Pesticide Action Network (PAN) was circulated to ICCM4 delegates to ask for support to establish a Global Alliance to Phase-out Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) at the 4th Conference on International Chemicals Management (ICCM4) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. IPEN and PAN believe that such an Alliance, building on lessons learnt by the successful SAICM Global Alliance for the Elimination of Lead in Paint, is vital for assisting countries to adequately deal with HHPs and their replacement in a manner that supports the livelihoods of farmers. English / español / français / Русский / العربية

Postcards and posters:

A Global Approach to Phase-Out Highly Hazardous Pesticides is Needed

Global Alliance to Phase-Out Highly Hazardous Pesticides

Highly Hazardous Pesticides that are Endocrine Disrupting


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