Although IPEN’s main focus in the Ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions was the work related to the Stockholm Convention, IPEN also participated in the Basel and Rotterdam Convention meetings (11th and 6th Conferences of the Parties, respectively), as did some of IPEN’s partners, such as Pesticide Action Network (PAN), Basel Action Network (BAN) and Rotterdam Convention Alliance (ROCA), amongst others.
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Documents / Positions for COP6
IPEN’s Quick Views on the Stockholm Convention’s 6th Conference of the Parties (COP6): This document, available in the six UN languages, contains a summary statement of IPEN views on issues that COP6 will be called upon to address, such as Listing HBCD in Annex A; DDT; Exemptions and their evaluation; and other important topics.
Brominated Flame Retardants
► IPEN has conducted a unique survey of PBDEs in recycled carpet padding. See the results here: POPs in recycled carpet padding 23 April 2011
► Press Release, 25 April, 2011: Hazardous waste on your living room floor