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Global Study to Determine Lead in New Decorative Paints in 10 Countries

The Indian NGO Toxics Link and IPEN worked together in this groundbreaking study which looked at lead levels in paints from local markets in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Very high lead levels were found in all countries; some with 100 percent of the samples exceeding standards. These results confirmed that paints containing lead were still being produced and sold around the world.

The study was first released at the 2nd International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM2) in Geneva, Switzerland in May 2009, and helped persuade delegates to adopt a resolution to form the Global Partnership to Eliminate Lead from Paint under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Health Organization.

Global Study to Determine Lead in New Decorative Paints in 10 Countries

Executive Summary of the study

Exec Summary Pb in Paint