Chapaesvsk Med Assoc GDA
Global day of action on POPs in Russia.
Global day of action on POPs in Russia.
PBDEs in the Czech Republic.
Global day of action on POPs in Russia: dioxins in Russian food.
POPs in the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) in the Czech Republic.
Global day of action on POPs in Russia.
Global day of action on POPs in Russia: POPs in Nizhegorodskiy Oblast.
Sharra dumpsite and awareness-raising campaign on POPs in wastes in Albania.
Country situation report on POPs in Argentina.
Monitoring of PCB levels in environmental media in the Republic of Armenia and the identification of hotspots.
Public environmental inventory of pesticides in the Republic of Azerbaijan and organization of a public movement for their elimination.
Awareness-raising on POPs for health and environmental protection.
Country situation report on POPs in Bangladesh.
Zero waste as a Best Environmental Practice to address POPs issues created by waste incineration and/or landfilling of waste: a case study in Hungary.
Prevention of morbidity and mortality due to POPs pesticides.
Kosice municipal waste incinerator: a POPs hotspot in Slovakia.
Pesticide stockpile in Derince, Kocaeli, Turkey.
Production of awareness materials for farmers on the harmful impacts of POPs and pesticides and promotion of alternatives.
Public awareness raising on POPs and training in organic farming in Rajasthan.
Public awareness-raising on POPs in Andhra Pradesh.
POPs awareness in Rajasthan.