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A Toxics-Free Future


Sharra Dump in Albania

Sharra dumpsite and awareness-raising campaign on POPs in wastes in Albania.

This activity produced both a public awareness-raising campaign and a report describing a POPs hotspot on the Sharra dumpsite. EDEN Center launched a public awareness-raising campaign highlighting the importance of decisions taken about POPs waste within policy strategies at both the national and international levels. It involved translation of materials into the Albanian language and dissemination to key stakeholders and media. The hotspot report used a waste site as an example by describing the history, current situation and recommendations for future treatment of the Sharra dumpsite. The dump contains municipal and hazardous waste and is always on fire creating concerns regarding dioxin and furan formation.

Hotspot report on the Sharra dumpsite
Translated information materials prepared by the hub into the Albanian language and provided for their dissemination.

Environmental Center for Development