Lead paint is a major source of potential lead poisoning for young children. The International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action, co-led by the World Health Organization (WHO)and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), was established to raise awareness of the widespread availability of lead paint. Watch short videos from the WHO introducing the topic here.
See information about some of the activities carried out by IPEN Participating Organizations below.
Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO
- Carried out a procession in the city to raise awareness
- Gave various media interviews:
- Daily Observer: Children for ban on lead based paints
- Daily Sun: Govt urged to ban production, import of lead-based paint
- News Today:Govt urged to ban lead contained paints
Centre de Recherche et d'Education pour le Développement (CREPD)
- Gave a television interview on the National (CRTV) programme "Bonjour"
- Produced a press release: Le Saturnisme, un problème de santé publique qui tarde à être reconnu au Cameroun
- Created a short video focused on lead and its hazards on human health (especially on children)
Center for Public Health and Environmental Development (CEPHED)
- Released a report: Lead in Household and School Dust in Nepal
- Gave various media interviews and was highlighted in media:
- The Himalayn Times: Study finds lead dust a real threat to children
- BBC Nepali New Services (27 October, 2014), with special science reporting that included a response from the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE)
- a special report in Anapurna Post daily (1 November, 2014):
- Held an event at Rizal Park that included a parade, youth drummers, and campaigners brandishing a banner that said “Get the Lead Out for Our Children’s Health,” as well as talks and games to raise awareness. Press release and photos about the event.
- Relased a report: Lead in Household Dust in the Philippines
Sri Lanka
- Provided lead-safe paints to repaint Dear Kids pre-school in Kottawa (news story in The Nation)
Agenda for Environment and Responsible Development (AGENDA)
- Prepared information for press and held a press conference (news story in The Citizen)
- Visited and held an awareness-raising session with teachers and students at a primary school
- Held an event entitled "Protect Thai Children's IQ from Lead Poisoning" at the National Children's Hospital, whicb consisted of policy roundtable discussions and exhibitions. A total of 193 people participated, including policy makers, pediatricians, toxicologists, childcare center teachers, paint manufacturers, journalists, academics, and others.
- Released new data from a national survey of 129 Thai paint Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The study by National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) found that 95% of Thai paint SMEs are willing to remove lead from paint but call on the government to issue a clear-cut policy, such as a mandatory standard, and implement strict enforcement measures to ensure compliance by all paint manufacturers.