1 & 2 October: High Level Segment
IPEN representatives and colleagues spoke during the ICCM4's High Level Segment, which aimed to provide a "platform to inspire wider stakeholder engagement and renewed commitment to implement the Strategic Approach. It will include discussions on the linkages and opportunities for SAICM to contribute directly to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During the high-level segment Ministers, Heads of Agencies and Organizations, Chief Executive Officers, high- level Heads of Delegation, Major Groups and Stakeholders are invited to exchange views and experiences on chemical management issues and ways of making best use of the unique SAICM model in this critical period leading to 2020. They are also invited to share their views on the meaning of success in the core areas of SAICM activities in 2020."
IPENers and partners participating in the High Level Segment included:
Tadesse Amera, Pesticide Action Nexus Association Ethiopia and IPEN Steering Committee Member: Panel 3 – The SAICM Model in Action (presentation)
Manny Calonzo, IPEN Co-Chair: Plenary Panel
Génon Jensen, Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and IPEN Steering Committee Member: Panel 1 – Multi-sectoral Collaboration For More Efficient Chemicals Management (presentation)
Susan Wilburn, Health Care Without Harm: Panel 3 – The SAICM Model in Action
For more information about the High Level Segment, including the program and information about the speakers, visit the SAICM website.
29 September: IPEN & PAN side event:
IPEN and PAN hosted this side event on highly hazardous pesticides- opportunities to phase them out via a global alliance and the use of agroecology. PAN also launched their new book: Replacing Chemicals with Biology: Phasing out highly hazardous pesticides with agroecology
Presentations at the side event included:
Joe DiGangi: Global Alliance to Phase-Out HHPs
Meriel Watts: Phasing out HHPs: Replacing them with Agroecology
29 September: Lead Paint Alliance, Partners, UNEP and WHO side event:
Building Momentum Toward Global Lead Paint Elimination by 2020
This side event aimed to review the current efforts of the Alliance and discuss how it proposes to address the elimination of the use of lead paint by 2020. Dr. Sara Brosché, IPEN's Global Lead Paint Elimination Project Manager, made a presentation at the event: Establish Legal Limits on Lead in Paint: How can NGOs Contribute?
To view additional presentations for the event, click here
28 September: Sustainable Development Goals: make it happen for chemicals and wastes
IPEN Co-Chair Dr. Olga Speranskaya was a panelist in this discussion, which was hosted by the Basel-Rotterdam-Stockholm Secretariat, Minamata Convention Secretariat, United Nations Environment Programme, and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and aimed to prepare and support the discussion of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) issue in the plenary.
The objective of the interactive discussion was to reflect on what the role of the government authorities and other stakeholders responsible for the management of chemicals and wastes in their countries could be in implementing the post-2015 development agenda at national level. Speakers reflected on:
What can WE the chemicals and waste community, offer to solve broader development challenges?
What is OUR role in implementing the post-2015 development agenda at national level?
How do WE communicate with stakeholders about the important role of the sound management of chemicals and wastes?
For more information about the discussion's agenda, click here
To see Olga Speranskaya's presentation, click here .To see an article (in Russian) written by Olga Speranskaya on the link between SDGs and sound chemicals management, click here.
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