For more recent media, please see our Media Center.
- New York Times, The World Is Awash in Plastic. Nations Plan a Treaty to Fix That.
- Washington Post, U.N. adopts historic resolution aimed at ending plastic pollution
- Chemical Watch, China, Indonesia recycling toxic chemicals into new plastic products, says NGO report
- Reuters, After much praised waste export ban, Australia under fire for shipping plastic trash as 'fuel'
- The Guardian, ‘Oil spills of our time’: experts sound alarm about plastic lost in cargo ship disasters
- Chemical Watch , NGO studies find widespread chemical contamination in plastic pellets around the world
- Plastics News, A Paris climate treaty for plastics, yes, but what should it say?
- Canada's National Observer, The insidious side effects of recycling plastic
- Le Monde , Alerte sur les substances toxiques disséminées par les plastiques
- Daily Guardian, Groups call for international action to control plastic chemicals, curb pollution
- The Financial Express, New global studies show health threats throughout the plastics supply chain
- Pikiran Rakyat , Studi: Telur Ayam Kampung Indonesia Mengandung Racun, Akibat Impor Sampah
- Mother Jones , Our Plastic Is Poisoning Eggs Eaten by the World's Poor, Study Finds
- Pikiran Rakyat , Waspada Dioksin! Bahan Kimia Beracun yang Mengintai Lingkungan dan Rantai Makanan Kita - Jurnal Trip
- Jeune Afrique , Cameroun, Maroc, Gabon… L’Afrique suffoque sous le plastique
- National Observer , The plastics you throw away are poisoning the world's eggs
- Philstar , On World Oceans Day, group calls for better implementation of policies addressing plastic pollution |
- The Guardian , Regulators missing pollution’s effect on marine life, study finds
- Chemical Watch , Chemicals pollution disrupting aquatic food chains, NGO report concludes
- Al Jazeera , Toxins in plastic blamed for health, environment hazards
- BBC News - Indonesia , Sampah plastik dari Barat: Sampel telur ayam kampung di dua desa Mojokerto 'terkontaminasi dioksin'
- The Guardian , US accused of blocking ambitious global action against plastic pollution
- New York Times, To Make This Tofu, Start By Burning Toxic Plastic, Richard Paddock
- BBC World, Western plastics 'poisoning Indonesian food chain, Louis Lee Ray, Resty Woro Yuniar and Sri Kusmiati
- Guardian UK, Indonesia Food Chain Turns Toxic As Plastic Waste Exports Flood In, Peter Beaumont
- Jakarta Post, Plastic or Egg? Imported Waste Contaminates East Java's Food Chain, Kharishar Kahfi
- Australian Broadcasting (ABC), Indonesian Food Contamination from Imported Australian Rubbish, Tasha Wibawa
- Democracy Now, The World Just Took A Major Step To Curb Plastic Pollution But The US Refused To Join The Effort
- Medium, The Truth Behind the Plastic Curtain, Most Plastic Is Not Recyclable, Yuyun Ismawati and Martin Bourque
- DW, 180 Countries- Except US- Agree to Plastic Waste Agreement
- The Guardian, Rotten Eggs, E-Waste from Europe Poisons Ghana's Food Chain, Peter Beaumont
- City Lab, The Toxic Effects of Electronic Waste in Accra, Ghana, Peter Yeung
- Food Packaging Forum, 'Alarming Levels' in Recycled Plastics, Justin Boucher

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