Heavy Metals
Although IPEN completed some heavy metals-related projects prior, it was in 2009 that IPEN officially launched its Heavy Metals Working Group (HMWG). The HMWG has initially focused on issues pertaining to lead and mercury.
Working with NGOs across the globe, IPEN initiated a “Children's Health First- Eliminate Lead from Paint” campaign. The goals of the campaign are to raise awareness about the health and environmental hazards of paint containing lead, and promote safe alternatives and ultimate phase-out.
For more information on the campaign, click here.
IPEN also initiated a “Mercury-Free: You, Me and Babies” campaign to expand the base of civil society and non-governmental organizations working to raise awareness about mercury threats and support the development of the international mercury treaty (now finalized). Participating IPENers from all over the world work together to share information, experiences and capacities with the aim of promoting international policy changes, national heavy metals policy awareness, and other actions targeted at advancing a non-toxic environmental agenda.
For more information on the campaign, click here.