Jessica Clark recently moved from Sydney, Australia to Dhaka, Bangladesh to work with IPEN Participating Organization Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO). In a blog post, Jessica tells us where ESDO’s director, Dr. Shahriar Hossain, derives his inspiration.
IPEN Participating Organizations in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asian (EECCA) region have prepared an Appeal to governments, MPs and local authorities to stop producing, importing and using highly hazardous pesticides in the region. Highly hazardous pesticides are a huge problem in the region, which was proven by a pioneer study conducted by IPEN and Eco-Accord in seven EECCA countries a few months ago.
El 4 de julio de 2014, Taller Ecologista recibió una distinción de parte de la Vicegobernación de la Provincia de Santa Fe.
En el marco de las actividades del ciclo “ReConocimiento Día a Día”, al conmemorarse el 5 de Junio, Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, Jorge Henn, Vicegobernador de la Provincia de Santa Fe entregó una distinción a la organización.
A successful event promoting a safe school environment that will prevent and reduce childhood lead and mercury exposure was recently held in the Philippines. The event, organized by IPEN Participating Organization EcoWaste Coalition, the European Union and the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), saw 200 people in attendance, including H.E. European Union Ambassador Guy Ledoux and DENR Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje.