Videos of plastic waves hitting pristine waters in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean shocked the world. Those images soon became viral, making us wonder: How did plastic end up there? How can we stop this?
New data from a long-term study of 355 mothers and their children found that fixing peeling paint and removing other household sources of lead during the mother's pregnancy can reduce levels of dust lead in homes to levels significantly lower than previously deemed achievable.
Last week, India's National Green Tribunal (NGT) ordered quick remediation of 25,000 cubic meters of asbestos waste in a towering pile in the village of Roro in the State of Jharkhand.
The waste was left there 35 years ago by asbestos mining company Hindustan Industries Ltd.
This big victory follows work that began in 2012, when ELAW partner Shweta Narayan traveled to the site to collect soil samples that documented dangerous levels of asbestos exposure. Even small amounts of asbestos can cause severe health problems, including lung cancer.
Where did the slick smartphone you got for the holidays come from? You might imagine a remote futuristic industrial park, with robotic assembly lines whirring in ultra-efficient silence. But the workers assembling your phone are actually real people, and the conditions in which they work are far from humane.
Es necesario implementar un plan nacional para reducir el uso de Plaguicidas Altamente Peligrosos (PAP) y transitar hacia alternativas agroecológicas, subrayó el director de la Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en México (RAPAM), Fernando Bejarano González, en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Mientras que en otros países la justicia reclama la prohibición de plaguicidas, en Argentina las autoridades continúan apelando a las Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas
Desde RAPAL reclamamos la prohibición de los plaguicidas comenzando por los Altamente Peligrosos (PAP)
Al Sr. Ministro de Agroindustria Luis Etchevehere:
Al Sr. Ministro de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Sergio Bergman
Al Sr. Ministro de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Adolfo Rubinstein