Eggs sampling for by-product POPs and public raising-awareness activities.
Eggs were sampled from chickens raised in Usti nad Labem near the chlor-alkali plant, Spolchemie, which produces chlorine-containing chemicals. This plant also produces hexachlorobenzene as one of its intermediary products. The hexachlorobenzene (HCB) level in eggs was 2.5 times higher than newly proposed limit for HCB as a pesticide residue. Dioxin levels were two times higher than background levels. The highest observed levels of these chemicals were close to the European Union (EU) dioxin limit for eggs and nearly 1.5 times higher than the dioxin action level for eggs in the EU. This study contributes to the sparse data about unintentionally produced POPs in free-range chicken eggs from the Czech Republic. The most obvious potential source of POPs releases at the site is the chlorine chemical plant Spolchemie, which still produces HCB as a by-product of chlorinated solvents manufacturing. Spolchemie products include carbon tetrachloride, perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene and chlorinated benzenes. Other sources of POPs could be contaminated sites and/or waste incineration inside the chemical plant, as well as in the neighboring town of Trmice.
Laboratory analysis of chicken egg samples for dioxins, furans, PCBs and HCB
Hotspot report
Public awareness-raising through press events and press releases on egg results