Stockholm Convention in action in Jordan.
This activity launched a public-awareness campaign in Jordan about POPs and the Stockholm Convention. The activity involved collecting information about the Stockholm Convention as well as sources of production of POPs; how POPs impact human health and the environment; how to deal with stockpiles; and how to deal with production and use of POPs. The information collected was then used to make an informational booklet on POPs. The activity also included the launch of a national campaign for the members of media and communities about POPs and their impacts on health and environment. Six public meetings were also organized, through which the information gathered on POPs and the Stockholm convention was disseminated. LHAP also organized a POPs Global Day of Action which was attended by 200 university students.
Production of a summary country situation report/informational brochure on POPs
Production of 1,000 posters, stickers, notepads and brochures
Six public hearings on POPs and regional sharing of information
Formation of a hearing committee and a team of POPs experts
Dissemination of pamphlets to youth