Egg sampling for by-product POPs in chicken eggs.
Eggs from free-range chickens near an incinerator for health care waste in Barangay Aguado, Trece Martires City were collected by the participating groups and tested for dioxins, furans, PCBs and HCB as part of IPEN's global egg project. Results showed that levels of dioxin were nearly ten times higher than the limits set by the European Union. The project highlighted continuing sources of by-product POPs and reminded governments to remain vigilant in keeping the promise of the Stockholm Convention to reduce and eradicate these highly toxic chemicals. After receiving results of the egg testing, government authorities requested third-party testing of emission levels. When the company refused, the government cancelled their operating permit.
First-of-a-kind study/analysis of POPs, dioxin and HCB in chicken eggs in Philippines
Newspaper and Internet articles (English and Tagalog)
TV exposure