South Africa policy brief: national application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) to eliminate POPs and their by-products.
The project activity aimed to develop, in a consultative and pro-active manner, a policy on Best Available Techniques that will apply to South Africa, in a way that is relevant, accurate and feasible. The activity proved to be a process that clarified stakeholders thinking about the challenges that face South Africa and how best to engage with themselves to move the country forward along the path to sustainability and the phasing out of POPs. Earthlife Africa proposed some alternatives to incineration and DDT use for malaria. Alternatives to incineration options include BAT, principles, policies and regulations, waste minimization, recycling, and use of autoclave and microwave for medical waste. For DDT, the use of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) was recommended as an alternative, non-chemical control method.
Report: South Africa policy brief: national application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) to eliminate POPs and their by-products