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A Toxics-Free Future


Case Study HCB Unintentional Production

Expert team activities on POPs in wastes.

Acting on requests from NGOs in the CEE region, Arnika launched a regional project on POPs in wastes. A regional/inter-regional awareness-raising campaign highlighting importance of decisions taken about POPs waste within policy strategies at both national and international levels included the following:
1) Preparation of position paper / policy brief on POPs levels in wastes
2) Preparation of joint project website and posting of the materials on POPs waste to publicly accessible website
3) Regional presentation of activity to mass media (press releases and coordination of national activities from NGOs in this field)
4) Posting updates and printed materials to all stakeholders at CEE region level
5) Coordination and assistance for NGOs in CEE countries
6) Bringing the results to international fora In addition the activity produced two reports: one on unintentional production of HCB from a chlor-alkali production facility in the Czech Republic; and the other in which Arnika collaborated with the NGO, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, in Pakistan to sample waste incinerators in Pakistan and compare dioxin and furan emission results with the UNEP Toolkit and data from Europe.

Report: POPs in residues from waste incineration from Pakistan
Report: The Spolchemie chlor-alkali and chlorine based chemical production plant in Usti nad Labem (Czech Republic) - a case study for unintentional production of hexachlorobenzene
POPs levels in wastes position paper

Arnika Association