Global day of action on POPs in Azerbaijan.
Ruzgyar organized a field visit to the site for the elimination of banned and obsolete pesticides with participation of representatives of the Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources and Agriculture, public health professionals, academic community members, mass media outlets and NGOs. The field visit participants made a video recording demonstrating the sanitary and environmental situation at the site. The NGO organized a press conference dedicated to "Pesticides, Environment and Health." The press conference participants noted that in order to address POPs-related environmental problems it is necessary: to develop inter-sectoral and inter-agency partnerships for improvement of the POPs elimination site, to implement a detailed POPs inventory in the country, to identify "hotspothotspots," to transport obsolete pesticides to the "burial site," and to raise public awareness of POPs-related problems. Results of the event were covered by newspaper articles and presentations. On behalf of the NGO group, a letter was sent to the Ministry of Economic Development of Azerbaijan, requesting assistance for reconstruction of the site for elimination of obsolete pesticides.
Summary report on activities
Field visit to obsolete pesticides site
Outreach to media and press conference
Letter to Ministry of Economic Development