Environmental security for residents of Aarat Oblast; a burial site of obsolete and banned pesticides in Armenia.
This study analyzed in a total of 23 soil, water, breast milk and food samples in settlements close to a large DDT burial site uncovered by a landslide. DDT and Lindane were found in all samples of breast milk and cow milk. Some breast milk samples contained levels of DDT that were six times higher than permitted levels of the pesticide in cow's milk. Results of the survey suggest that the safety of the pesticide burial site has not yet been ensured, despite the Governmental Resolution on the matter. High concentrations of organochlorine pesticides were found at the territory of the burial site and in sampling points at distances up to 50 m from the site. These findings suggest infiltration of organochlorine pesticides into soil.
Hotspot report on pesticide burial site (English summary and full report in Russian)
Presentation of results to mass media
Proposals developed for inclusion in NIP
Series of booklets and leaflets prepared and distributed to two target villages