Mercury Country Situation Reports (2018)
Robust public and political support for national policies on mercury is a prerequisite for widespread ratification and effective implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. NGOs are essential actors that can effectively raise public and governmental awareness and create an environment in which ratifying and implementing the Mercury Treaty becomes an imperative.
With this in mind, IPEN and partners undertook Mercury Country Situation Reports in 7 countries in order to help prepare developing countries and countries with economies in transition for rapid ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
Developing these Reports allowed NGOs to contribute to the enabling activities for the Mercury Treaty while providing data that can be integrated into the key implementation activities of the Mercury Treaty before and after entry into force. These activities include Minamata Convention Initial Assessments (MIA), National Action plans for ASGM, National Implementation Plans (NIPs) under Article 20 and National Action Plans (NAPs) under Article 8 for emissions.
Research for the national-level Reports included investigation into key mercury pollution sources in the country such as industrial emissions and releases, ASGM activity, hotspots and contaminated sites, mercury added products, mercury waste practices, medical use of mercury, supply and trade, policy and legislation, and public exposure.
Please find links to the reports below:
- Association Vie et Développement (AVD-Kowa Murna) (Niger): Inventory of Sources of Mercury Releases in Niger (français / English)
- Balifokus (Indonesia) Mercury Country Situation Report (English)
- The Center "Cooperation for Sustainable Development" (Kazakhstan): Review of the Current Situation of Mercury Pollution in the Republic of Kazakhstan (русский / English)
- Centre for Environment Justice and Development (CEJAD) (Kenya): Assessing Mercury Use, Awareness and Legal Frameworks in ASGM and Mercury Added Products to Address Mercury Pollution in Kenya (English)
- Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ) (Sri Lanka): Mercury Country Situation Report - Sri Lanka (English)
- EDEN Center (Albania): Albania Mercury Country Situation Report (English)
- Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP) (Jordan): Mercury Country Situation Report for Jordan ( العربية / English)
- Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas para América Latina (RAP-AL) (Uruguay): Report on the Situation of Mercury in Uruguay (español / English