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A Toxics-Free Future


About Eco-Accord

Eco-Accord is a not-for-profit citizens’ organisation registered in Russia with a consultative status in UN ECOSOC. Since 1997, Eco-Accord has enhanced public participation in decision-making on chemical safety initiatives, noting Eco-Accord is the IPEN EECCA (Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia) Regional Hub and Olga Speranskaya is Eco-Accord Programme Director and IPEN Co-Chair. Eco-Accord operates in Russian and in English and coordinates a news service on chemical safety that has grown from 300 to more than 900 direct subscribers from EECCA countries. It leads a network of over 100 IPEN Participating Organisations based in the EECCA, operates a website, facebook and twitter accounts. Eco-Accord has successfully participated in negotiations over the ratification and implementation of chemical agreements in Russia, EECCA and globally. It plays an important role in IPEN’s Mercury-Free and Lead-Free Paint Campaigns and participates in a number of activities on mercury, highly hazardous pesticides, hazardous chemicals in products, and lead in paint. Eco-Accord is also part of the European EDCs Free campaign and is actively involved in the work on EDCs in Russia and other EECCA countries. It also focuses on human environmental rights and justice issues.