Inventories of unintentional POPs (U-POPs) in Latin America: a comparative study.
Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y Alternativas en México (RAPAM) and Owltree Consulting
The report extensively reviews the scientific literature for emission factors corresponding to diffuse sources of dioxins and furans including forest fires, grassland and moor fires, open burning of agricultural residues, open burning of domestic waste, and landfill and dump fires. Then the factors were used with data from several countries to calculate new inventories and compare them with dioxin inventories from Mexico, Cuba and Argentina, which were constructed using the Toolkit proposed by UNEP Chemicals. The results showed use of emission factors from the scientific literature had decreased total calculated emissions from these sources and changed the order of priority sources. The results were presented at COP2 of the Stockholm Convention.
Comparative analysis of dioxin inventories taking into account multiple emission factors
Findings presented at COP2