POPs environmental scanning and social investigation of toxically critical areas along Manila Bay.
This project conducted a field investigation of POPs uses in select fishery waters which are considered critical areas along Manila Bay, Laguna Lake and Pasig River. The report notes the conversion of rice fields into fishponds. Approximately 30% of the workers said that chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin and heptachlor were still used in farming areas. More than half occasionally use banned pesticides such as thiodan and chlordane in fishpond operation to clear grasses. Interviews with workers revealed health effects believed to be related to pesticide exposure. The results of the study were used for massive information dissemination, policy advocacy and lobbying toward legislative and other government measures on POPs, particularly in fishery waters, and other campaign activities intended to create huge public and government awareness on POPs and their various effects.
Interviews with 115 fishpond workers
Two workshops on POPs and pesticides attended by more than 125 fishpond workers and residents
Project Report-PAMALAKAYA Publication
Public information dissemination of project results to workers, residents and authorities