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A Toxics-Free Future


POPs Awareness Raising in West Bengal

Campaign and awareness building on POPs elimination and participation in developing the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on POPs in India.

This report outlines DISHA's efforts to increase POPs knowledge and public awareness in West Bengal, a region affected by numerous POPs-contaminated processes and activities including extensive pesticide use in tea gardens in East and North East India, illegal DDT use in mosquito control in agriculture, uncontrolled production and use of PCBs in industry, and the open burning of municipal waste containing PVC in agricultural fields adjacent to garbage sites. Activities undertaken to address these issues included the documentation of existing literature, data and field experience for campaign activists and researchers, as well as for input into the development of the National Implementation Plan; publication of a Bengali-language information pack on POPs, POPs sources, health and environmental impacts, and appropriate alternatives; campaign activities and networking; and a state-level workshop focused on the development a future POPs campaign.

Inclusion of POPs on the agenda of concerned researchers and environmental activists
Development of informational materials and packet including posters, slides, an information booklet in Bengali, as well as a "Campaigners Handbook"

Society for Direct Initiative for Social and Health Action (DISHA)