DDT in Eggs: A Global Review

May 2009
In this study, IPEN collected eggs from free-range hens living close to selected hot spots in 18 countries and analysed them for DDT. Results were compared to background levels and limits established by the European Union (EU) and USA. DDT levels in the eggs ranged from background levels to over 7,000 ng g-1 fat; 14 times higher than the EU maximum residue limit. At two sites, the composite egg samples indicate a fresh load of DDT. The highest DDT levels were found in seven countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, India, Kenya, Mexico, Pakistan, and Tanzania. These sites include residential areas near obsolete pesticide stockpiles, pesticide storage facilities, and a DDT production facility. The results indicate the need to fully implement Stockholm Convention provisions on DDT and wastes, including development of action plans to implement suitable alternative control strategies; obligations for reporting; and remediation of contaminated sites using methods that destroy or irreversibly transform their POPs content.