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A Toxics-Free Future


Highlights Front Roll

Plastics, Plastic Waste, and Chemicals in Africa
New Video: Plastics Poisoning Our Health
Promoting Stronger Protections on Chemicals at BRS COP
How the UNEA Plastics Resolutions Relates to Chemicals and Health
Plastic Poisons the Circular Economy
Plastic Waste Fuels: policy spreads toxic trade across Asia

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(Göteborg, Sweden) Mercury, a neurotoxic metal, has been found in high levels across all global regions in women of reproductive age, according to a new study conducted by IPEN (a global public health & environment network) and Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI). Women in the Pacific Islands and in communities near gold mining sites in Indonesia, Kenya, and Myanmar were found to have average mercury levels many times higher than US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) health advisory levels.

The research, Mercury in Women of Childbearing Age in 25 Countries, was undertaken to measure the prevalence of mercury body burden at levels that can cause neurological and organ damage. Mercury in a mother’s body can be transferred to her fetus during pregnancy, exposing the developing fetus to the potent neurotoxin. The study is the first of its kind to sample as many countries and regions and spotlight women of childbearing age.  

Fish samples from hot spots in Thailand contain toxic mercury

Everyday food of hundreds of thousands people living in Thailand is contaminated with mercury in various fish species, new report shows (1). This common dish ingredient in the Asian country often contains twice the amount of this toxic heavy metal than limits allow.

In the nearest future, we expect a major and important event for all of us - the First Conference of the Parties of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. We invested a lot of effort into the development and promotion of the Convention. We congratulate all people who facilitated the event by their work, knowledge and devotion!

The Minamata Convention on Mercury prioritises environmental considerations over interests of global businesses used to pursue their financial gains in a resource-based economy that ignores environmental effects. It is not only associated with banning primary mercury extraction from global deposits, it also deals with tightening control over different industrial operations, particularly with extraction and processing non-ferrous metals ores, that are accompanied by uncontrolled releases of many tons of mercury into the environment.

The first bi-annual IPEN Global Newsletter for 2017 focuses on mercury. The newsletter opens with a message from the IPEN Mercury and POPs Policy Advisor, and includes highlights, stories from the field, and news. All contributions were provided by the IPEN Regional Hubs and Participating Organizations, working together for a toxic-free future.

En México, la COFEPRIS autoriza la aplicación de 183 plaguicidas altamente peligrosos  incluidos en la lista de la Red Internacional de Plaguicidas (PAN) e identificados por agencias internacionales por sus efectos en la salud y ambiente , y permite la venta de 140 plaguicidas prohibidos en otros países, lo que representa una grave amenaza a la salud y el ambiente, que exige la atención urgente de las autoridades y el cambio de políticas públicas, coincidieron académicos y organizaciones civiles, al presentar el informeLos plaguicidas altamente peligrosos en México[1].

“En las administraciones recientes, las políticas neoliberales en materia de gestión de plaguicidas y control de plagas y enfermedades en el campo y la ciudad han llevado a que estemos expuestos, sin nuestro consentimiento, a plaguicidas altamente peligrosos que pueden provocar la muerte, que tienen probabilidades de causar cáncer, malformaciones genéticas y alteraciones hormonales, o de causar la muerte de las abejas, además de otros plaguicidas que están incluidos en convenios ambientales internacionales por su impacto negativo”, destacó Fernando Bejarano, coordinador del informe y director de la Red de Acción de Plaguicidas y Alternativas en México (RAPAM) y punto de enlace para América Latina de la red internacional  contra compuestos tóxicos, IPEN.

Dhaka, Bangladesh & Emeryville, CA: Elite Paint is the first paint company in Bangladesh to achieve Lead Safe Paint® certification. Yesterday, the news was announced publicly through a press briefing organized by Elite Paint and  Chemical Industries in the Begum Sufia Kamal Public Library, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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